Caspio Bridge
Welcome to Caspio Bridge Ideabox. We love to hear your improvement ideas.
21 results found
Enable Folder Creation
Using the Rest API, add the ability to create a folder from the Files command with the result returning the external id of the newly created folder.
12 votes -
When there is a file included in an outbound webhook, it needs to be formatted in a way that other systems could download it.
Right now if you select the file data type to be put into a webhook, it presents as a sting value showing the file path from within Caspio. Instead, we would like to see it be a link that can we acted upon by other 3rd party systems so they could download the file.
3 votes -
Inbound Webhooks
Sending data out from Caspio apps via webhook is a useful feature that I am grateful for. Even more useful, though, would be the ability to accept webhooks from other external applications for full two-way connectivity. Alternatively, an API console that can request data from external programs into Caspio apps would fulfill the same need.
6 votes -
Allow Caspio User Cookies to Make REST API Calls
For custom REST API applications locked behind a Capio user login authentication field allow developers to use document.cookie() / user session cookie to authenticate REST API calls.
The user is already logged into Caspio and is authenticated on the server-side. This would be a huge security / QoL improvement due to eliminating the need for proxy servers.
This would improve the daily user's experience due to decreased load times since the HTTP request is now 1-to-1 (1 client to 1 server) instead of 1-to-many (1 client to many servers). Also, this would increase the security posture of Caspio and the…
7 votes -
Provide code examples of how to connect to the API
Show example scripts in various languages (PHP from Wordpress in my case) that would demonstrate how to connect to the API. That is, how to first get the bearer token and then how to use that token to make calls on the API.
13 votes -
Provide pagination information in response headers for REST API requests
As noted in a previous post (link: that has since been marked as "completed," we now have the ability to make paginated requests when using the REST API, but no useful pagination information is sent back (e.g., links for next, prev, first, last). Since we are rate-limited at 1000 items per request, it would be very helpful to know how many pages of data we might need to request to get "everything" (e.g., something similar to how more pagination info is sent back in the Link header like in this API for Game of Thrones: ).
12 votes -
Input Multiple rows of data in a single API call.
Similar to when you call a table and get multiple rows, just the inverse
8 votes -
Ability to programatically modify Application Parameters inside Caspio application
Since the purpose of Application Parameters is to hold "application wide" parameters we should have the ability to set application parameters inside the application itself. This request is an expansion on the following IdeaBox request (
A simple use case is to hold users specific "preferences" or other application level controls. You could use authentication parameters for preferences but simple access to them is not always possible. I wanted to use Application Parameters as a "licensing variable" to control access to various parts of the application dependent upon the feature set they "purchased" meaning all users registered to…
1 vote -
have a query on file search. do not return every file object on Rest API
have a query on file search. do not return every file object on Rest API
1 vote -
Add Zapier API ability to add file attachments in Caspio
Currently unable to upload a file attachment through the Zapier integration with Caspio.
Both Caspio and Zapier support have advised that they are aware of the issue but no timeframe has been given as to when this function will become available.22 votes -
Make the inputs in Swagger wider.
The Swagger API tester is awesome!
One minor and simple improvement would be wider inputs.
The WHERE clause is often many more characters than will fit in a 340px wide input. As a workaround, I open the inspector to disable the "max-width: 340px" css property on the inputs, and it works perfectly.
.swagger-ui .parameters-col_description input[type=text] {
width: 100%;
/* max-width: 340px; */
3 votes -
List field in WHERE clause of REST API
Use list field type values in the where clause of a REST API call to get table rows. For example, I would like to be able to do something like this:
"where": "ListTypeFieldName = ['value1, value2, value3']"
Currently we can get list values returned through select but we can't use them as a condition.
5 votes -
Include App Parameters in API
It would be useful to be able to control the App Parameters through the API.
More specific, I am talking about these parameters:
2 votes -
Add update function to Zapier API
Currently can use a Zap to add a record. Would be nice to be able to update existing records with a return code of success or failure. Other functions like GET to query data before update is nice but not absolutely necessary.
42 votes -
API Authentication from Caspio Login in Tables
Use caspio authentication methods that are integrated with Caspio's API so create user tables and passwords.
22 votes -
Add a 'Duplicate Row' command to the REST API.
Add a 'Duplicate Row' command to the REST API.
4 votes -
Integrate Payment Processing as a standard feature
Payment processing should be integrated within Caspio as a standard feature. You could limit the number of payment processors to Paypal, Google Checkout and a couple of others but this should absolutely be standard. Why is this an "add-on"?
90 votesThank you for this idea. We are looking into adding this feature in future product updates.
Soap API should include to check WSDL url in account services profile if incorrect account name error shown.
The WSDL url is dynamic, so the API you are calling against may not match the API in your web services profile. When calling against an incorrect WSDL url, only "Incorrect account name." message is given, even if credentials are correct. It may be helpful to add, "Please double check the WSDL URL in your account profile as well as your account name, profile name and password."
1 vote -
All plans to have full function. The limits can be low. Ex: free plan 5 api calls per day. It will help evaluate platform better
All plans to have full function. The limits can be low. Ex: free plan 5 api calls per day. It will help evaluate platform better. Possibly it would help to maintain plans better as the difference is not capability but capacity and thresholds.
1 vote -
Use DataPage report fields and calculations in API
It would be good to reference report fields and calculations to utilise in Caspio's API.
3 votes
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