Caspio Bridge
Welcome to Caspio Bridge Ideabox. We love to hear your improvement ideas.
1130 results found
scatter plot graph = simple map
Please provide a Scatter Graph with the ability to upload a custom background figure. Why? Because Scatter Graph + custom background = map.
This would be a really easy way for you to add basic map capabilities. You can provide some backgrounds for the most common use cases (USA, Europe, et.c) and GIS savvy users can produce a map of anything they like.
You can advertise this as a huge upgrade!6 votes -
clear search
This is more of a bug report then a feature request: give us a proper CLEAR SEARCH button next to or comined with the existing search button.
There really needs to be a "clear search" button available that will clear all the existing search terms (also the ones in dropdown's, not just the ones in text fields), but will not reload the page. In short,5 votes -
compatible matching blocks when coding.
When you are creating triggers if the blocks that you can use after selecting the block you want to use are highlighted.
In the UI, all of the available blocks seem usable until you try and get an error. It's like when you have "assist" mode on when playing chess. It shows you all of the moves you can make instead of the ones you shouldn't have made. That would change my life lol.
1 vote -
make the timezone in the Logs the timezone of the user
Can we change the timezone of the Logs from UTC to my timezone. As of now, it is set to UTC by default and I am not able to change it to a different timezone.
2 votes -
Create a feature where you can COPY the SUBMISSION Form Data (formatted Input of fields) over to a REPORT Details page
SUBMISSION Input COPY to REPORT. The idea is that when you have large complex input forms 100s to 1000s of data fields (1023 being the limit) ... which should also be updated for larger tables) that you have to spend days to create/design layout ... that you will ultimately want to use the SAME Layout in a SEARCH/MODIFY REPORT ... the way it is working now, you have to completely recreate the layout from scratch to build the Modifiable report. It would be very useful if there was a way to COPY over the FORMAT details of the INPUT/DETAIL PAGE…
7 votes -
Make a filter to sort by latest entry in the datatable
Like the title says, make it so we can sort by the items that were last added to the datatable. Its basically the reverse of "sort by: none".
3 votes -
Form should displayed on full page by default instead of displaying on partial page.
When we deploy a form in datapage it displays left align form which covers usually 30 to 40 % of the web page and remaining 30 to 70 page looks blank. it does not gives a good look. So, there will be a option for the user to choose full width or boxed display
1 vote -
Add Paypal Authorize and Capture Feature
Looks like you're 1 configuration field away from being able to do this - we just need to be able to set the "intent" field to authorize. If you wanted to make it really slick you could provide some sample code in an extension that was a task to re-authorize every 3 days and or to capture payment... See details on paypals developer site: vote -
System Parameter - Timestamp
When I submit or update a record and use the System Timestamp paramente in the datapage to track when then action was performed, currently the time is set after the datapage is open.
However, the time between the datapage loading action and the form is actually submitted by the user might be different. It would be useful if this timestamp parameter is set when the form is successfully submitted too.
3 votes -
Allow unequal joins
Unequal joins are not common, but when you need them, there are no good workarounds. They can do some magical things very efficiently.
4 votes -
Format Negative Numbers with Red Font
Caspio needs to modify the Format area where Numbers are formated for each Text field to allow the developers to select a Font color (the default should be RED: #FF0000) for Negative numbers. This is a standard accounting practice. This shouldn't be too hard since the (-) sign is already being associated with the number.
Right now, you have to jump through hoops and then code on every data page (the code being slightly different based on the type of page). The current solution is not documented anywhere. It took me a week and a half on the Forum to…
3 votes -
Images in the PDF Templates
We need to be able to add images in the PDF templates to enable logos etc
8 votes -
Develop a means to replicate a submission datapage in the reports details page
It is very good to have reports details datapage to update the data in previous submission. This often requires re-creating the submission datapage to facilitate the update.
It would be good to have a means to replicate the submission datapage for the report details datapage without having to go through the tedious task of recreating the whole page one field at a time.1 vote -
Show differences between two apps
Make secure changes to a production app can be done duplicating such app in a staging app and test on it required chenges. But then is quite impossible to remember all changes done.
It would be useful to have a kind of compare betwee apps that highlight their differences into datapages, tables, views and triggers.2 votes -
Web3 and blockchain integration with caspio
Not many Dapp platforms exist where it allows for easy low to no-code platforms. Everything is difficult in that space and Caspio can really benefit from jumping into the web3 space with its current infrastructure. You guys would kill it.
4 votes -
Enable Cross-App Login for Directories
It would be nice if there was a cross-app login element for the new Directories feature. If I have multiple authentications created based on user roles, the new Directories feature requires me to log into each DataPage a different authentication is created. However, if a cross-app login element was created, I could have the application behave similarly to how it does just by using the Caspio ID services (in authentications), but have the enhance security controls of the new Directories feature.
18 votes -
Tasks to run yearly
Currently tasks can only be automated to run, daily, weekly and monthly but not yearly...
We need tasks to run yearly, some applications need this and you cant automate manually at the beginning of each year. it defeats the point and purpose of automation
2 votes -
Add a better field type for arrays/lists/collections
Right now the list data type can't be used as a true collection. For instance:
What if you have a collection of orders, and each order is for a number of products?
I'd like there to be a field called 'products' in the orders table which would be either a list of strings, or better yet a list of references to a products table.
Instead, you can't add strings unless they were added in Caspio Bridge in advance. Worse, the only way to edit a string list is to check them off from a complete dropdown/listbox of all possible products,…4 votes -
View PDF saved in Table on Datapage
We need a way to display PDFs that are uploaded into a file field in our tables. The ability to display a PDF that a user uploaded on a page is critical.
There is a similar post that is marked Completed, but there still is no way to show sensitive PDFs that are saved to your Caspio tables. Their 'solution' is to use FileStor, but they tell you that you can only use non-sensitive materials for this.
We are almost in 2023 and I have to ask for this...
2 votes -
Color Code Table Relationships
Color coding table relationships would make visualizing much easier to follow
1 vote
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