Render Datapages as PDF
Caspio needs to include a PDF output option to bring it up to spped with other applications in this area.
As an Destination option, Caspio should provide a flag that allows a Datapage to display in PDF.
This can be applied with a simple html to pdf conversion tool.
Create a HTML Datapage which receives parameters and styled as a document.
Choose this data page as the destination page (Tick for PDF) and the page/pdf should Open/Display as pdf when called by the browser.
Thank you again for this idea. This feature is now available in Performance and higher plans. For other plans, please contact our Support Team for options to add the feature to your accounts.
Anonymous commented
Is this marked completed because of FileStor? Even though this is ONLY for non-sensitive materials? How lazy.......
Claire Bellmonte commented
If you have a problem with PDF file rendering into HTML, you can use JavaScript here easy to render your PDF file.
If you know about more how to insert JavaScript file then go to -
Matt Moseley commented
I have the performance plan and need the pdf feature added. Can you tell me what the "nominal" fee would be to add pdf printing? Thanks!
David Ortiz commented
Now 2018 and STILL unable to print my results table.
Anonymous commented
This is going to be the crunch for me as to whether I switch to another solution. If I can't print then all the great features are meaningless. I really like Caspio but my customers need to print. This was planned in 2014 and now its 3 years later. It looks like they have given up on this idea. Pity.
Anonymous commented
This ability needs to be integrated asap. Almost all software gives you the ability to print to pdf. Caspio is great in most areas, but behind the curve on this issue. Needs to be given to all paying customers asap.
Joshua Jobin commented
Any idea when this will be implemented?
Anonymous commented
This was 2014 and still no update? I've spoken to support and wasn't told that it was available for a nominal fee, only that it is not available and to post it here. It can be done on a chart datapage, why not on a standard one??
Anonymous commented
I wholeheartedly agree with Accountability on this one.... this should be for all paying accounts. Most competitors have this, and quite frankly, I overlooked seeing that this WASN'T an option when I convinced my client to use Caspio. Now, I'm stuck either creating something in HTML or exporting tables to use another report engine ( or Jasper...which btw, are getting to the point that they're nearly as capable of pulling data from Excel and doing everything I can do in Caspio...for $0/month)... I just assumed this would be included, as it makes no sense to not include it.
Accountability commented
Too bad this isn't standard with all plans. It is a huge handicap. Caspio is great but I truly don't understand why this is not just a standard feature. Custom print output. receipts, grouped reports, report cards, bank checks, reports with headers and footers etc. This would be a huge game changer. I could substantially increase my business with Caspio. Please implement as indicated on August 27th 2014.
JJ commented
Still waiting here.
Anonymous commented
You're seriously lagging behind the competition in this respect!
Ben K commented
Is the UI ready yet? - Note this is now 2 years old!
Chris commented
Example: When a person apply for a parking permission, the system should allow us to render out a high quality PDF, which then can be made avbailable for download on any given page.
Same if someone needs a professional paper to confirm their education, work history etc.
High quality PDF reports would extend possibilities ten folds.
Anyways, thanks for an awesome tool
Jan H commented
Hi! I am also waiting for this feature, and I am wondering why it's not included in the latest release.
James commented
I was wondering if there was any update on this feature. I haven't been able to find it in the application, but the Admin on the thread seems to suggest it was planned for a future release (almost a year ago). I have also been really impressed with Caspio as a platform, but agree that this is a fairly glaring omission on their part.
Anonymous commented
I'd love this. When I inquired, I was told it would cost $750 to implement for the single report I was working with. Of course, I did also ask to be able to control the page breaks in the document. I'm eagerly waiting for the UI.
Pedro Lopez commented
Ideally, I would like to work with pdf documents signed with digital certificates (standard PADES)
David Corpcat commented
whats the timeline for the UI release
Peter Barton commented
Can you provide details for how to implement. Do you also have a release time frame for a UI.