Caspio Bridge
Welcome to Caspio Bridge Ideabox. We love to hear your improvement ideas.
1130 results found
Ability to have calculated fields on a view.
In SQL I can create calculated fields for a view it would be nice to be able to do that same thing in Caspio view.
139 votesThank you for this idea. We are looking into adding this feature in future product updates.
Form and Edit Details
It would be great if there was a way to convert forms into a details page. Currently, if you build a web form from scratch you have to rebuild the form again from scratch when you build an editable details page.
1 vote -
Dropdown with count/sum/total? Basically, I would like to be able to have a dropdown show the count for that selection. It would be great to have this for a cascading dropdown as well. For a vehicle lookup something like "Ford (75)", "Mustang (12)", "2013 (5)"....
5 votes -
Style Theme
It would be nice to select a theme (colors + icons) so we don't have to configure each element one by one in the style. In the same way that word or excel are doing it. Each element of the theme are still editable.
10 votes -
Allow us to customize the 'direct from caspio’ deployment link-would make it easier for endusers to remember
Allow us to customize the 'direct from caspio’ deployment link - that would make it easier for end users to remember the link names.
4 votes -
Rules - automatically set values
In rules, it would be great if we can automatically set a default value to fields based on rules. For example, if a checkbox is checked, set the value of field1 to value1.
13 votes -
Labeling of virtual and html block elements of datapages
Currently virtual elements & html block elements are simply numbered in the order created, making it EXTREMELY time consuming to locate the components of your form. NEED to be able to label these myself!
Oh yeah, if it was all WYSIWYG editing, that would be even better!!!
7 votes -
PLEASE VOTE!!! Schedule Task: Start at 9:00 AM and end at 9:00 PM every 15 minutes... I would like to be able to schedule task to run from a start time to a finish time each day and in minute increments. This allows me to only run the task when necessary minimizing data transfer. It also would allow for the table to update from FTP more often than every hour with our creating multiple tasks.
18 votes -
Provide graph options that have a time-linear x-axis.
Currently there is no option for a time-linear x-axis, but only equal distance bars or data points. If a series has a date field, there should be a graphing option that posts the data on a date-defined x-axis. Caspio graphs currently are not applicable to scientific applications because of this.
5 votes -
Select one parameter and have another pass through automatically
If a user selects one parameter, other columns from the same records should pass through automatically. Example: Product, Price and Currency Type. If a user selects a Product, the Price and Currency Type should be able to pass through as parameters automatically. Currently the user has to physically select the Currency Type even if there is only one from a cascading dropdown or listbox.
3 votes -
MS Plugin Support for Office365
Provide MS Plug-in Support for Office365 Access and Excel.
39 votes -
Create an option with check boxes that would allow the search to return ANY if the box is not checked, and only TRUE if checked?
I would like to create a search data page for businesses where users can check off amenities that they require, while leaving blank ones they are not concerned about. Currently, if a check box is left blank, it returns only results that do not match false. I hope this makes sense.
5 votes -
In Datapages, make the data element up/down arrows simply drag and drop. It takes forever to move elements into position in large forms.
See picture attached
11 votes -
In Datapage (form) - Allow more than one entry in "acknowledgment email to email address submitted in form"
When a form is completed by one of our staff, I'd like an acknowledgment email to go to the person submitting the form PLUS an assigned supervisor (who is one of several people). This is not an email address I can add in the additional "notification email" because the assigned supervisor varies. I seek a second field selection to identify the corresponding supervisor of that account so he/she knows the record was entered.
1 vote -
I would like to have datapage in different language without write different datapages. It would be nice to have the possibility do have di
I would like to have datapage in different language without write different datapages. It would be nice to have the possibility do have labels in different langauge.
22 votes -
Integrate Payment Processing as a standard feature
Payment processing should be integrated within Caspio as a standard feature. You could limit the number of payment processors to Paypal, Google Checkout and a couple of others but this should absolutely be standard. Why is this an "add-on"?
90 votesThank you for this idea. We are looking into adding this feature in future product updates.
Make the .net code SharePoint Publishing Site 2010 Compatable.
I can get DataPages working in all SharePoint sites except the Publishing site templates. Users who have used DataPages in the past are looking for this functionality.
4 votes -
1 vote
Increase the number of calculated fields per datapage
Increase the number of calculated fields allowed per datapage
2 votes -
Let us attach small monetary bets to votes for ideas suggested here
If idea goes into production, bets go to Caspio to support the development. If idea is cancelled, bets return to clients.
It will allow Caspio to differentiate ideas which are just liked by most of clients from the ones which represent a critical need.
1 vote
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