Rich Text Editor
WYSIWYG (“what you see is what you get” Rich Text Editor as a form element.

The feature is now available in Bridge 8.4 version released in November of 2014.
Chad commented
This is pretty cool,,,,, but
Spell check doesn't work in Caspio's Rich Text Editor -
Anonymous commented
This is a really important feature for me
T3W2012 commented
Does this seem problematic (statement from the site)?
"This script works in IE5+/Mozilla 1.3+/Mozilla Firebird/Firefox 0.6.1+/Netscape 7.1+. In Mozilla, it relies on the Mozilla Rich Text Editing API. Browsers that aren't supported should see just a regular form textarea."
All of those browsers are beyond out of date.
Ruth Allen commented
There is a plug-in script you can use with the form element in Caspio. The script is on the Dynamic Drive site -