to add the functionality of multiple record submission
It would be useful if you could submit multiple records by clicking on one submission button

Afzal commented
Please include updating with various different statuses such as for a school attendance register. Also dynamic redirection based on user role authentication upon update / submission.
Anonymous commented
Whenever I go to write a review for Caspio, I am including the screenshot of this page. Highest voted idea with over 135+ votes, was submitted in 2012, got the planned tag in 2014, and still absolutely no word about it. How embarrasing!
Anonymous commented
Here we are in 2021 - still no functionality for this.
Nick commented
Is this idea really planned? Seems it’s been out here forever. This functionality really is needed for a lot of applications. Manual work arounds are not acceptable.
Anonymous commented
A much needed functionality. Requested 7 years ago. Planned 5 years ago and nothing so far... Simply amazing.
Anonymous commented
this would be all I need to sign on to the platform.
Anonymous commented
We are definitely in need of this for our projects!! I'm not sure if this is what was originally suggested, but we need a "bulk add" feature much like the bulk edit with the tabular report. We want the ability to search and select multiple records from our master table and then submit new data in bulk to a separate table. Currently, we are trying to come up with a workaround, but I'm not seeing a way to pass parameters via a bulk edit or to create a multiple-record form.
Brent commented
This would be extremely beneficial for my application as well. I am currently trying to figure out an acceptable work around.
Caspio, do you have any update on this?
Andrew commented
it is 2017, so no solutions to this?
Anonymous commented
I've needed this, and have had to work around this limitation, many times since we signed up as a customer. It's been planned since August of 2014? Wow, implementation turnaround times must be really slow with Caspio. Either scrap it, or do it....
Uriah commented
This something that our office is greatly in need of. Currently we enter in, using the data page end user interface, identical child records for many different parent records. But if there was a way to select all corresponding parent records and submit one identical child record to each, that would be wonderful. Thank you.
Anonymous commented
I definitely need this, it would be great to automatically create a number of child records on the submission of a parent record, does anyone have a javascript solution for this?
Adam commented
Has this been done yet? I have multiple Leads that I want to convert to "Deals" and then edit the parameters in grid mode as well.. I believe I have seen a JS solution around here but I agree, this would be a great addition!
Matt commented
similar to this ...bulk insert ideabox?
the grid edit is so useful for updating records and the bulk edit further improves productivity. What if we could mark records, much like bulk edit/delete, and have new records inserted into a second table passing key fields from the 1st table along with default values to populate the 2nd table records. The 2nd table could subsequently use the very efficient grid edit for changes/updates.
For example: a teacher has a list of students, rather than use line item action (i.e. "add grade") to insert one grade at a time, select all the students still active(enrolled) and "add grade" for all - passing the student id, course and a dummy value for letter grade to be edited in a grid report
aam82 commented
another example: I need to add multiple dates to one event. I use a form to select a date, and then submit. Mouse clicks could be cut in half if instead:
select a date
date added to queue
select another date
date added to queue
submit all dates in queuesubmitting once instead of individually
Kia commented
Another example would be for tracking attendance: 1 record per person. The form need only be filled out once (date, time, event, etc), but the record can be applied to many client Id's (1 record per person) rather than one at a time.
This would allow users to add a record once rather than once for every client.
Kate S commented
This feature would be big for us -- we have projects with multiple sub-components, and would like to be able to enter all of the sub-components at once. It's possible right now as a workaround that we can upload several records at once via Excel, but that's not ideal.
Dean commented
Another example of this is an invoice application. Typically, you have an invoice header table with an invoice detail table. It would be nice to able to enter all the line items on (detail) on one screen.
Dean commented
What they are really talking about is an editable grid. I used to make these with ASP Classic many many years ago. Check out
Anonymous commented
Great idea...we use Caspio form in our site to collect registration of a no competivive distance 8 km walking.
It could be useful have a form for a group that would enter registration for all their component instead once each.Staff Chianti Marathon - Italy