Caspio Bridge
Welcome to Caspio Bridge Ideabox. We love to hear your improvement ideas.
54 results found
Scheduled Tasks to include Exporting an App XML File (APP BACKUP)
Scheduled backups of our app would be wonderful!!
Currently we can only use Scheduled Tasks to export Tables and Views.
This means any new tables you add to your app after your create your Scheduled Task will have to manually be added to your Scheduled Backup. It also means no DATA PAGES are backed up.
I would use this feature every day.
25 votes -
Admin can logout all users at once
As an admin, if I needed to terminate all sessions (logout users) to place an app in maintenance mode to work on tables or fix a bug.
17 votes -
Allow Data Source to be toggled in Columns Displayed - DataPage ConfigureColumns
Source would be helpful to see in the Data Pages report.
0 votes -
In Admin Console against each table/datapage/view etc
have a notes field to be able to describe the intended use of each / various tables /datapages/views etc. As you have more and more tables and datapages it gets more difficult to figure out what each is actually there for
1 vote -
create an admin profile based on the knowledge of the user (developer, non-developer...)
so based on profile you can customize your apps. ie: disable the html editor on every new datapage ...
1 vote -
1 vote
Add Link Options to "Destination after record operation: Go to a new page"
It would be great to be able to use add options in addition to the link address when you choose "Go to a new page" after a record operation.
Search and Report Wizard - Destination and Triggers ->
Specify options to be performed after record operation: ->
Destination after record operation: Go to a new pageYour link creator would be cool, but even better would access to the source like if I want to display a message.
0 votes -
Add names to link targets
The target tab for links is great!
It would be even better if we could add a custom name.
Names allow you to use iframes to display many CB Data Pages on one web page and reload only the specific CB Data Page you made a record change in.
0 votes -
Search content from Caspio Admin Panel.
Caspio Admin Panel must need a search feature to find out any content from datapages. Sometimes Application have a lot of datapages, so it become so difficult to find out desire datapage which i really need. And there are no way to find out how many automatic email are going through my application. Sometimes it is quite difficult to find out where from the email is generating.
1 vote -
Address Verify
allowing the options to have an address auto filler or address verification to ensure the address is correct.
1 vote -
Ability to view and export all of deployed data pages and their app keys
I want to be able to have a report that I can view to see everything that has been deployed and how to access it through embed, url, frame or .net.
2 votes -
Larger working area in wizards
After a couple hours building a form, the size of the wizards starts to feel ridiculously small, specifically the Configure Fields/DataPage Elements section. I'd really like to be able to expand this box.
Even better, it would be nice to have a larger editor that is NOT a wizard. I would like to be able to jump between sections frequently.
42 votes -
Export Usage Report from Caspio Bridge via Tasks/DataHub
It would be really helpful if the Usage Reports within the Admin console could be exported via Tasks or DataHub.
6 votes -
adding a search box in the customer's ticket
so we can search through all our tickets to find answer to a question that has already been solved
2 votes
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