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  1. Make it possible to hide sections based on fields that are not editable

    it is often the case that we want to hide sections of a form based on a field that is not editable on the form itself. It would save a lot of time and effort if this was made possible with the rules.

    This is especially true on detail reports where no fields are editable but we still need to conditionally hide / show sections.

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  2. Allow more than 10 auto-complete results

    The limitation of 10 auto-complete results poses problems for us. We have auto-complete dropdowns for club member names. There are more than 10 people named "Miller" or "Smith". This causes some members to be reported as non-members because their name is 11th or 12th on the list. Can the limitation be increased? Even 15 results would help, although it would be ideal if the maximum could be user defined.

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  3. SPC/Control Chart Feature

    In quality improvement in healthcare, we use control charts. This feature is not currently available in Caspio and can be a tool that can make the application more robust for the healthcare industry. See example below.

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  4. report builder

    I'd love to see the ability to build a report page that allows users of the page to build their own report based on a selected data source. For example, I have around 30 unique schools that use my application and they each want different reports from the system. It would be great if I could just create a report page that allows them to pick and choose which data to export.

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  5. 4 votes

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  6. Subfolders

    Create ability to add subfolders in Caspio Bridge for DataPages. This would improve organization and navigation for BOTH multiple Administrators and for Caspio's HelpDesk agents. Under my Project Management folder, I've got to use longer and longer naming conventions to try and organize Data Pages, when it could just be accomplished with subfolders.

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  7. Enable custom tab order

    Currently, pressing "tab" on a form has one behavior: move one box to the right. This can make for some pretty unintuitive user interfaces - see the image for an example. If you have two address columns, there's no way to tab down the columns; the focus will bounce back and forth between them.

    Please include a way to modify this, with a way to change tab direction to vertical, or to a custom tab order specified by the app developer. Access has a nice tab order function you could look at for inspiration.

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  8. Auto-save HTML DataPage

    One of the most frustrating things that can happen in the development workflow: Open HTML DataPage. Work in it for half an hour. Leave and do something else for a bit. Come back. What's this? I've been logged out? And where is my last 30 minutes of work?

    This has happened to me dozens of times and it makes me want to put my head through the monitor. I know I'm not the only one out there. Please please please automatically save progress when working on HTML DataPages!!!

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  9. I think user should be warned before deactivating the account, due to sending bulk email notifications!

    Because as a user, I would prefer to stop sending notifications, rather than getting the account deactivated completely. Regards,

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  10. charts

    I have to build charts based on calculated fields. But we cannot add calculated fileds in chart datapage. If we can add this it will be very usefull for creating charts

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  11. File Thumbnails

    Include an option to render a thumbnail of uploaded files on detail pages so users can tell what's in the files without downloading.

    (I know there's a workaround but it requires the files to be stored offsite and accessed via URL, and having to upload the same file to two locations is a waste of time and storage.)

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  12. To make people able to access directory's through datapages

    I know by the time I'm writing this that directory's are still in development. But I think it would be really useful if you were able to access them using selfmade datapages, because now the same issue exist that admin users still need to be able to access the backend caspio account to enable/disable a user.

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  13. colour coded results based on number ranges

    be able to have results colour coded -like excel conditional formatting based on results equal to or within a range

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  14. format dates for search criteria automatically and don't have the program shame me

    This should be a no brainer as long as you decide you want to. When I enter a date search criteria as 8/5/23 I get a warning to enter a date. This is because it is not formated 08/05/2023. But you show it as that new format and all I have to do is hit submit again. Why shame me when you don't have to. Just change it like you are already doing and go on with the query. Geeshh

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  15. File: upload or choose

    Make an option, so that the user can chose between an already uploaded file or upload a new file.
    It would reduce duplicate files where the contents is the same.

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  16. clear search

    This is more of a bug report then a feature request: give us a proper CLEAR SEARCH button next to or comined with the existing search button.
    There really needs to be a "clear search" button available that will clear all the existing search terms (also the ones in dropdown's, not just the ones in text fields), but will not reload the page. In short,

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  17. Create a feature where you can COPY the SUBMISSION Form Data (formatted Input of fields) over to a REPORT Details page

    SUBMISSION Input COPY to REPORT. The idea is that when you have large complex input forms 100s to 1000s of data fields (1023 being the limit) ... which should also be updated for larger tables) that you have to spend days to create/design layout ... that you will ultimately want to use the SAME Layout in a SEARCH/MODIFY REPORT ... the way it is working now, you have to completely recreate the layout from scratch to build the Modifiable report. It would be very useful if there was a way to COPY over the FORMAT details of the INPUT/DETAIL PAGE…

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  18. scatter plot graph = simple map

    Please provide a Scatter Graph with the ability to upload a custom background figure. Why? Because Scatter Graph + custom background = map.
    This would be a really easy way for you to add basic map capabilities. You can provide some backgrounds for the most common use cases (USA, Europe, et.c) and GIS savvy users can produce a map of anything they like.
    You can advertise this as a huge upgrade!

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  19. PDF File preview before its Upload

    If possible in next CASPIO series add a feature that, a User can Preview a PDF File before it has been Uploaded. This must work in Submission forms

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  20. Multi-record update form / or a tabular report in which you can have grouping + inline edit

    I have an app in which I need to display multiple records for the user on a single page and for that user to be able to edit those records. With only single-record update available, this is currently impossible via an update form. My workaround has been to use a tabular report and grid edit. This is OK (although still needed loads of JS and CSS to get it to display the way I wanted), but the problem comes when you want to display hierarchical data. Although such data can be presented effectively using 'grouping', once you enter grid edit…

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