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  1. Add a better field type for arrays/lists/collections

    Right now the list data type can't be used as a true collection. For instance:

    What if you have a collection of orders, and each order is for a number of products?

    I'd like there to be a field called 'products' in the orders table which would be either a list of strings, or better yet a list of references to a products table.
    Instead, you can't add strings unless they were added in Caspio Bridge in advance. Worse, the only way to edit a string list is to check them off from a complete dropdown/listbox of all possible products,…

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  2. SysDateTime in Formula fields

    I understand that currently the SysDateTime function is not available in formula fields. It would be great if this could be supported for calculating time differences at the table level between start dates and now.

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  3. Organize tables via Folders

    I think it will be a good idea to have an option to create folder in tables.
    In this way it will be easier to manage, sort, find and organize tables inside Caspio.

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  4. Color Code Table Relationships

    Color coding table relationships would make visualizing much easier to follow

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  5. differentiate unused fields

    We would like to be able to differentiate in a table which fields are not used anywhere, neither views, nor Datapages, nor Triggers, nor Tasks.
    Many times the tables get fat and there are fields that are ultimately useless.

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  6. Multiple fields for unique ID

    Allow a combination of fields to be a composite key
    In some cases we want a combination of values to be unique. A sample scenario is to ensure that there is one student, attending a particular class on a particular date. This can be achieved if the combination of StudentID, CourseID, and AttendanceDate are designated as key and hence they have to be unique. This is a valid Database concept and it will be great if Caspio implements it.

    I understand that the formula field is a work-around, but it is not proper database protocol. Rather than bogging down a…

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  7. Table Variable Headers

    I would like to be able to create table variables for use in Triggers/Tasks that allow for changing the column headers. Currently table variable column headers use the field name in the table and this is usually not a readable, intuitive label to someone who might be sent a notification email.

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  8. Make it so Scheduled Import task can trigger Triggered Actions

    Would love to have my triggered action being triggered whenever I update the table thru Scheduled import task. For example, I have table with my inventory report and is being updated via scheduled import task daily. It would be nice to add a "Updated as of (date/time the scheduled task was run).

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  9. "Deselect all" button for tables in Relationship view

    You can select "All relationships" in the view but then to undo that selection to deselect all of them and clear the canvas is a very time-consuming proccess.

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  10. Allow data type change from Text (64000) to GUID

    Currently, when importing data from a CSV the GUID fields are auto-classified as Text (64000). When updating the table design one has to change the field to Text (255) first, then to GUID. Changing the data type on the import configuration doesn't help this either as the GUID specification import is overridden.

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  11. Eliminate duplicate fields

    I have several tables that reference each other. I really should not have a CourseNames field in more than one table, but because of the way the formula fields, views, lookups, etc. don't work well with other tables, I have to list those names in more than one table. This is not proper database protocol....and a Caspio expert told me that this is the only way to accomplish what I have to do.

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  12. Allow Bulk Editing of Records within Tables Datasheet View

    Allow bulk editing of records within the Datasheet view of Tables. The ability to Filter records is there, but no way to update multiple fields of the filtered records.

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  13. 1-to-Many Relationship in the Table Design tool

    When creating a 1-to-many relationship in the Table Design tool, it would be more efficient if I could drag the Primary key from the Parent table, place it in the Child table, automatically change the Type to Text (255), and show the relationship connector with the appropriate "infinity" label at the Child end fo the connector.

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  14. Allow copy, cut and paste of task/triggered action elements

    You might build a task and find you wish to use it as a triggered action instead - or vice versa.

    Currently you have to rebuild from scratch....where if you could copy and paste the different logic sections it would speed up the process

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  15. Import/Update data from multiple files into a "single" Caspio Table

    Equivalent Excel function:

    MENU: Data > Get Data > From File > From Folder

    ACTION: Combine > Combine & Load

    USE CASE: Thousands of source files, each file represents a stock symbol containing end-of-day prices and trade data. I want to update one master Caspio Table that holds all stock symbols with the end-of-day prices and trade data.

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  16. 2 votes

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  17. Manually select records to download from results returned

    Allow users to review all results matching their search criteria, but also allow them to manually select which records to export into Excel.

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  18. enhance features under Tables

    • allow one to freeze a column (e.g. the first 1 or 2 columns) on a Table
    • allow one to sort by a column
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  19. 13 votes

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  20. Extend Scheduled Tasks with files

    Extend Scheduled tasks to export tables including connected files for use as a reliable backup

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