Integromat instant on demand connectioin like for Zapier
Integromat is like Zapier but much less expensive. It would be great to have an instant on demand connection like for Zapier so that when records in a Caspio table are updated then Integromat can run tasks instantly. Right now their listener is only good for running every 1 minute. Caspio has this feature with Zapier and they should do it with Integromat too.

Thank you for your suggestion. Caspio connector is now seamlessly integrated into Make (formerly known as Integromat), simplifying the process of connecting Caspio with other connectors. Additionally, for more tailored connections, you have the flexibility to utilize API and webhook options to build custom connections according to your specific requirements.
Piotr commented
Currently you can use Webhooks in communication with Integromat/Make which gives constant communication from Caspio to Make