onedrive. Dropbox, Box, Gdrive and other cloud services
You should provide integration with Onedrive, Drop, Dropbox.
At least the top cloud storage services, so, instead of uploading a file to your server on tables, we could load to our cloud server account and Caspio only stores the link instead of the file.
I believe storing multimedia files Iaudio, photo, video, documents) is not Caspio main business, but database service and storage, so it would add many possibilities to store and publish multimedia data on websites.
I've been doing some research on the main website builder services and none of them offer the possibility to create dynamic multimedia lists. None of the available widgets, including the official onedrive, dropbox, gdrive embedded codes allows you to list, search tables of multimedia content. Wix is the last one I'm working in the lst week, but the few widgets they offer are very limited in features and no integration to local storage or integration with cloud. I want to be able to upload and list with search of podcasts, videos, music, PDF documents and other media.

Hi Carlos, this part is now related to your second comment.
I see what you mean now. Check out Caspio FileStor at
While it is not the consumer cloud drive, I think it achieve what you are referring to in an elegant way.
Thank you for the idea. If I understand your suggestion correctly, you would like to leave media files or other files on your cloud drive but still use them as if they were loaded into your tables.
This is currently possible. All you need to do is to enter the URL of your file asset, regardless of where it is, into text field and in your apps render the text field as Display Only and sub option of URL, etc. You can also embed your such entries into any HTML block.
Anonymous commented
I am guessing this has not happened yet. Using Caspio's file storage system infers more data transfer charges. It would be impossible to display images using Caspio without having tons of data transfer.
John Vaughan commented
AWS storage wouldn't be bad if Caspio weren't inflating the p/GB cost $40 p/GB/mth when AWS S3 for first 50 TB / Month $0.023 per GB. I understand a profit has to be made for the convenience of having it integrated but come on...
However I agree integration with G-Drive, Onedrive etc so that files/documents could be stored and indexed without being made "public" such as the supposed FileStor solution would be far more useful!
Phil commented
Ugh...enough about FileStor! It isn't a good solution for many of your customers! Please allow businesses (who are your customers) to leverage the SaaS platforms (i.e. iCloud, G-Drive, Etc) they are already paying for and utilizing rather than pushing us to AWS. Nothing wrong with Amazon but it isn't ideal for everyone.
Phil commented
I must agree with Carlos. The AWS / Filestor solution is not ideal and honestly, you're telling your customers where they have to store their data, instead of helping to facilitate the storage of data, which is your business.
Carlos commented
Hey Admin, I'm suggesting something different. I don't know how feasible it is. I'm talking once a cloud account is connected to a table or account, I would be able to click on a record and upload to my cloud whatever it is, in a specific folder and it's link would be captured automatically and stored in the table The idea here is not having to go to the cloud, upload the file, copy the link, going back to a Caspio table record and paste it. It would be more difficult to a lay person and unreliable once you could copy and paste a wrong link. What you suggest I already do using at WIX using the Wix Sheet content. Here is a test I'm doing using the Wix Table
But thank you anyway for the suggestion !