Multiple Fields in Dropdown
It would be very powerful if we could use Multiple Fields for in our Dropdown (Select) input fields.
This is a pretty standard database feature, and is lacking in Caspio's Online platform.
i.e. First and Last name, Name and Date, ToDoActivity, ToDoAssignedTo, and DueDate, etc.

Sarah Lee commented
This is vital! Aside from bogging down the table by creating a formula field (which is just a workaround, but not proper database protocol), there isn't a way to do this.
Stepford commented
Agree: this is a must have!
Glenn Walters commented
please consider "sort by" as a hidden field (similar to MS Access) ie: with mutiple fields, I wish to sort by a field that is not the unique id or display field.
SABA Test commented
Wondering if its possible, without this feature, to use a formula as the display in the drop-down?
Anonymous commented
I do agree with this proposal. It lets the user make a note powerfull analysis in the reports
Jos commented
Yes without this features, I cann't use Caspio
Anonymous commented
Yes, please do this. I'm currently struggling to figure out how to do this manually and short of putting an extra field in the database with manually concatenated data I can't do it.