Caspio Bridge
Welcome to Caspio Bridge Ideabox. We love to hear your improvement ideas.
396 results found
I would love to see the abilty to create custom designed report pages ready for document out, such as receipts or delivery notes.
I would love to see the abilty to create custom designed report pages ready for printed / email document output, such as receipts or delivery notes.
191 votesWe had been focusing on upgrading our platform to prepare for many exciting features including this feature in future releases. Now that is done; we are ready to work on this feature and get it ready soon. Thank you for your idea.
to add the functionality of multiple record submission
It would be useful if you could submit multiple records by clicking on one submission button
164 votes -
106 votes
Add SAVE Button in addition to existing FINISH Button
Very annoying to always need to Exit the DataPage Builder for every little change.
90 votes -
Multiple Fields in Dropdown
It would be very powerful if we could use Multiple Fields for in our Dropdown (Select) input fields.
This is a pretty standard database feature, and is lacking in Caspio's Online platform.
i.e. First and Last name, Name and Date, ToDoActivity, ToDoAssignedTo, and DueDate, etc.
78 votes -
Shopping Cart
I would like the ability to create a shopping cart for users to purchase my product.
64 votes -
TIME Feature not just dates!!!!!!
The ability to pick time and not just a timestamp or a date in a calendar should be a basic thing to have, kindly look into this
63 votes -
make the autocomplete and dropdown fully interchangeable fields
Imagine a dropdown list with 2500 items. Finding proper value is challenging. The Autocomplete field is the best fit for this use case, but it does not currently work when the field is a foreign key.
The dropdown list has "field for display" and "field for value". However, autocomplete lacks the "field for display" parameter. So, currently, on the initial load of the data page, it shows the "field for value" (the ID field, in my case, not the value that users should see).
It would be great to add "field for display" and make autocomplete and dropdown fully interchangeable.
63 votes -
Conditional Forms (Rules) add Disable Form Submission feature
I think it is best if we can add a Rule in Conditional Forms that disables form submissions when a certain criteria is met.
Right now, we can only do this in JavaScript which seems to be a standard requirement for this platform.
CarlsenKing62 votes -
Make Folders withing other Folders
I have so many DataPages and would like to be able to create Folders withing another Folders.
56 votes -
55 votes
Calendar Start & Finish Date. Two things. First, I think it would be awesome to have two date fields to choose from such as a "Start Date" and "Finish Date". (Time would also be great). And then display the event across the dates.
Second, I think it would be nice to be able to adjust the day-of-week start day for week view. That way one could create an event that ran from Thursday to Tuesday with Thursday being the first displayed day.
51 votesThank you for this idea. We are looking into adding this feature in future product updates.
Easily upload styles from CSS frameworks like Bootstrap.
Feature that would easily allow to use CSS frameworks in Styles and insert classes on Caspio HTML tags and elements.
45 votes -
Can you introduce a WYSIWYG DataPage Editor in Design mode
Can you introduce a WYSIWYG DataPage Editor in design mode where you can drag and drop elements: like views, reports, charts, geomaps, butttons, virtual groupby totals, images, text, etc.. in the header, footer and content area, incl. interactions between the elements.
45 votes -
Provide clearer instructions on how to change styles to improve the look of datapages
It would be very useful to have some clear instructions on how to improve the look of datapages: something that highlights exactly what each datapage element does with cross-referencing screenshots, because this is not abundantly clear right now.
43 votes -
Enable setting OnLoad value to Cascading Dropdown Form Element
I am developing an inventory application. In it I came across a requirement to allot part of the material required to be procured and part to be fulfilled from our stock. To lessen the steps that the end user will have to take selecting the item twice, once for each transaction I intended to reload the previously inserted item upon submittal of the record. Because my selection fields are cascading dropdowns I can't setup an On Load value to it. Other than that I think it will be a good idea cuz it will allow us to setup default values…
38 votes -
Scheduled Reports via email
I would like to have scheduled emails for reports, so that a report can be emailed once every week/two weeks/three weeks/every month. Ideally this could be set up when creating a report within a datapage, that you could specify when the report would be emailed and to whom.
This is a feature available in low-end cloud based databases creators like Zoho Creator all the way to high end, like Salesforce.
38 votes -
Hello Is it possible to run a task from a datapage, Fe I would like my users to be able to RUN a task on demand but from a button on a data
Is it possible to run a task from a datapage,
Fe I would like my users to be able to RUN a task on demand but from a button on a datapage35 votes -
Add Fields for TIME of Day or Hours/Minutes (HH:MM) without having to do a bunch of coding.
Would like to be able have codes for time of day (singularly) and hours or minutes -- all as separate fields. As it is exists today, one has to use Caspio's calendar function and go through a process to separate fields and use virtual fields. Must this REALLY be so complex to configure one field?
33 votes -
Input validators for fields.
It would be helpful if in the DataPage Wizard will possible to adjust the Input validator for the Form's fields. Validation by mask, range, etc. Some thing similar to ASP.NET or jQuery input validators.
29 votes
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