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  1. Scheduled Export of DataPage to excel

    I can export a view, but need ability to include calculated values in the output. Can manually export the data page to excel, but would like to automate.

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  2. Setting a default value on a regular dropdown field (not cascade dropdown)

    Currently the datapage can show the first/last item in a dropdown list (depending on the sort order). However, it does not allow for setting a specific item as a default value on the dropdown field. The selected default item can be any element in the dropdown.

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  3. Tabular Report Headings Down the Left

    Allow the headings to be put on the left, not just along the top of the tabular report

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  4. Matrix Question Type (Ratings/Scale) in Submission Forms

    Please add a Matrix-style option to submission forms. (The easiest solution may be with a Section - setting it to "Matrix" and then create the radio-button or select box answers right in the Section Settings. Then each field within that section becomes a question within the matrix).

    Qualtrics, Survey Monkey, Google Forms etc... all support this vital question type.

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  5. Matrix Question Type (Ratings/Scale) in Submission Forms

    Please add a Matrix-style option to submission forms. (The easiest solution may be with a Section - setting it to "Matrix" and then create the radio-button or select box answers right in the Section Settings. Then each field within that section becomes a question within the matrix).

    Qualtrics, Survey Monkey, Google Forms etc... all support this vital question type.

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  6. Conditional Forms (Rules) add Disable Form Submission feature


    I think it is best if we can add a Rule in Conditional Forms that disables form submissions when a certain criteria is met.

    Right now, we can only do this in JavaScript which seems to be a standard requirement for this platform.


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  7. PDF Generator group collapse functionality

    Please improve the PDF Generator to enable it to mimic the collapsed/expand group settings on the results page. WYSIWYG

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  8. Add "Sub-Section" feature

    If there is a Sub-Section feature, that would help hide fields neatly.
    For example:
    1. We have a submission form with three sections.
    2. Each section has it's HTML block to identify and group the fields together. Like Personal Details, Travel Details, Other Details etc.
    3. We decided to add a fourth field DECELERATION on top with it's own HTML block.

    Create rules to achieve the following
    1. If Deceleration field is blank, hide all the three sections below. (Okay that is achievable).
    2. If Deceleration is Yes, hide section 3 "OTHER DETAILS".
    3. If Deceleration is No, hide…

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  9. For calculated fields in datapages (e.g. tabular) do not strip off leading zeros from strings that look like numbers.

    For calculated fields in datapages (e.g. tabular) do not strip off leading zeros from strings that look like numbers.

    For example, if the calculated field is defined as "02" (string), then show it as "02" and not just 2.

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  10. Allow github markdown in text area fields

    I often hold notes in github markdown flavoured text. When copying these notes into a caspio application i either have to re-edit them or lose the formatting.

    It would be really helpful if a long text box could be indicated as having markdown text inside it rather than plain text, which would then be rendered when the box is displayed as a display only field.

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  11. Create an "On Open Trigger" and "On Close"

    There are currently 3 trigger types on a table (Insert, Update, Delete) - I was thinking of potentially having two more: an "On Open" and "On Close" trigger - possibly best used when you open a datapage form instead of a table, where you want it to go and get values or make a calculation on the fly and load them into the page. At present the datapage is only populated by the table you have connected to the page, but with the on Open Trigger I could imagine being able to select from other tables (ie: Select the relevant…

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  12. not allow editing if autocomplete doesnt match

    I would like to limit the autocomplete option only to allow the user to input information that is found. It should work like a dropdown, limiting the input to what is already on the database.

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  13. Bridge > DataPage > Bulk Actions > Set Authentication


    I think it would be a great feature for us to be able to bulk edit the authentication of a set of DataPages, just like how we can bulk deploy/undeploy them.

    I hope you get my point.

    Thank you.

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  14. User name and creation/update date should be shown in the Home Page window

    We are constantly trying to figure out who created and/or last updated a table, form or datapage. Can this info be shown in the main Home page window columns shown?

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  15. Add a spellchecker option for text area fields

    It would be great if a built in spellchecker function was available when using a text area field.

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  16. Add SAVE Button in addition to existing FINISH Button

    Very annoying to always need to Exit the DataPage Builder for every little change.

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  17. Add vertical scroll bars and skicky headers together on any list datapage

    This seems like such a basic thing.. but I've been back and forth with support on this and they suggested that I add this here.

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  18. Hello Is it possible to run a task from a datapage, Fe I would like my users to be able to RUN a task on demand but from a button on a data


    Is it possible to run a task from a datapage,
    Fe I would like my users to be able to RUN a task on demand but from a button on a datapage

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  19. Destination after record submit:

    Record submitted in form: If yes destination after record submit datapage X. If no destination after record submit datapage y. And so on. Is it possible?

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  20. Creat an option to print portions of a data submission form. Could be used for reciepts, customer information or hard copy needs.

    Provide a feature to print all or portions of a data submission, report etc. This could be used for hard copy needs such as customer receipt, work plan etc.

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