Caspio SQL Query · completed
Union Views/Queries
Responsive Apps · completed
Please add Responsive code to use Caspio as full Responsive App · completed
Access Caspio data from Power BI
Ability for App users to import data into tables
Import Data automatically to Multiselect Listbox
Data Usage by the datapage
Provide pagination information in response headers for REST API requests
An interface that allows me to write SQL to retrieve data from my tables.
Implement paginated responses for REST API requests · completed
add multiple fields to filter autocomplete data
Able to Save a data page and continue working on same page
Add update function to Zapier API
Allow Mouse Selection of "Time" for Time and Date Data Types
Allow triggered actions to run when importing data records
Remove the limit of 20 series for a stacked bar or column chart when data source is dynamic series
implement Front End Data Validation
Allow radio buttons to use Yes/No data types
Export data in DataPage to a normal xls file, not xml or csv with quotation marks.