Reminders calendar datapage
Create a datapage that enables the user to set reminders for a particular date and when these reminders show up on the calendar view. Goals would be to have an event on a date and then be able to set up unlimited reminders for that event that can all be told to display or not display on a particular date in the calendar. This would allow for pre-event tasks to be scheduled as well as post event tasks and they would all be tied to the event for good record keeping down the road. Currently we can tell a field to display or not display & to accomplish this quickly, it would be great to have an option to tell the field when to start & end display plus give the user the option to "check" a box when completed so it doesn't need to display anymore. The long term fix here would be to add multiple reminders to a current field in a datapage + give the reminder display options such as when to start, when to stop & criteria to stop if prior to the stop date.