Provide some form of documentation of data pages, tables, authentications, and views.
I would like to create documentation outside of Caspio to help me see what changes I made. Some settings are quite deep inside the pages and are difficult to see.

OIR commented
I was able to get a lot more documentation on a given Caspio app when I followed these steps:
1. I made a backup of the entire application and downloaded it as an XML file
2. I used Excel's PowerQuery to open the file and parse the XML data into a table format
3. I produced a number of tables that made it very clear as to what each table, view, and authentication was doing. I only extracted a few things out of the data page stuff (e.g. Report Header/Footer, notification/acknowledge email info, etc.)Now, rather than clicking through Caspio to see that to which an Authentication's data source (a view)'s column name actually refers, I can open an Excel document that clearly displays that information for me.
Mike Naylor commented
I see this has been outstanding for a while (more than 3 years).
Please also see I'd like to have documentation within Caspio as well e.g. describing Relationships, Data Pages, or Link Tables and their setup/usage.
It would certainly be great to have some form of change log too