Larger working area in wizards
After a couple hours building a form, the size of the wizards starts to feel ridiculously small, specifically the Configure Fields/DataPage Elements section. I'd really like to be able to expand this box.
Even better, it would be nice to have a larger editor that is NOT a wizard. I would like to be able to jump between sections frequently.

Jason Leadbetter commented
Ditto!!! 10 years is a long time! Do you guys not have to use your own tools? Bet it looked great when screens were 1024x768. People are rockin' multiple 4k monitors these days. It's doable when you're in the trial period...but when you start migrating your forms over and spend day after day with the starts getting old REAL QUICK!!!
Anonymous commented
Asked in 2013. Planned since 2017. It is now 2023.
The editor is so freaking small it is dumb. It's been 10 years and these guys still can't figure out how to make the wizard bigger! Almost embarrassing.
John Vaughan commented
Well still nothing and the comment from Admin OCtiber 18, 2013;
"Point is taken. In the upcoming 8.0 we have taken a different approach in some new areas, such as the Authentication section. We look forward to see what people think about it and whether it should be applied to other wizards. Thanks."
Trying to write custom HTML largely due to the lack of adequate PDF creation tools (another area that could do with improvement!) is an absolute pain end up doing most of the work in Notepad++ and jumping back/forth to grab field names which is far from ideal.
Come on Caspio listen to your customers!
Anonymous commented
Oh yes please. Using the wizard to build datapages is so laborious partly because you can't even see the entire name of the fields in the field list on the left. Spread it out please. I dread making new datapages. The tools are great; using the wizard is painstaking.
John Vaughan commented
Seems to be a long time coming.... hopefully it will be soon as the datapage area especially the left column displaying fields is a pain when there are a large amount to look at and keep having to scroll sideways to see what they are!
Ron commented
cooper Odell commented
I couldn't agree more. Please make the datapage wizard working area larger/expandable. Especially when working with tables with longer field names and a large quantity of them, the size of the Datapage Elements section is particularly frustrating to work with, needing to scroll vertically and horizontally just to read the field name. The whole thing experience could be bigger. The size of the wizard seems too much a remnant of the much older versions of Caspio.
Derek Caldwell commented
A larger working area in the Authentication section is nice but not nearly needed as much as what the original poster suggested and that is in Datapages. Even the use of a Corner Resize Handle allowing users to increase or decrease the size would be great. There are scroll bars currently but it is still limiting the creative experience most developers are used to. Remember we're talking about the development side of things not the public user side. Most Caspio developers have screens and capable resolutions far greater than what a normal computer user might have. Caspio Developer tools should cater to Developers while Caspio Apps and Deployed Datapages should cater to the end user. This became very evident to me when I had to use a old computer for a day and noticed the large amount of screen size being unused in my Datapage development. My resolution was something close to 1250px and there was almost 40% of empty area while I still had to scroll to see my Datapage element names. A drag and drop visual creator would be great also if were throwing out wishes. :-)
Ryan Pitchforth commented
It would be great if you could implement the full screen view for the DataPage wizard. It would really help for writing code int HTML Blocks, Footer/Header.