Prevent a hide field rule from actually omitting the default data it contains from table
Never suspected a conditional rule to Hide Field actually meant omit data from the table. I have a lot of radio buttons with a default "No" value. However, some of those field can be hidden based on another condition rule. But just because the DP field is hidden from view in the form, I still want that default No value for it to appear in data table. Instead I get blanks for any hidden field with a default value set. They should rename Hide field to Hide field/Omit Data. I see a couple other posts with the same concern/issue. And a couple of people have offered some complex solutions like triggers and matching virtual fields. Writing triggers can be painful (for me) and I have a lot of these fields, making a virtual field for each complex, tedious and problematic. Better option would for Caspio to program it to simply hide the field from DP view, not hide it from view and scrub its default data.