Better visualization of created reports and charts, as well as comparative data, for example in reports of sales results.
Caspio is a good all-round platform for building all sorts of applications, but so many uses often mean better tools in one area of operation and worse in another. When something is good for everything, it's usually not good at anything. In my opinion, this is precisely the problem of Caspio.
We create analytical applications, create financial reports and advanced sales analytics in large retail chains.
After purchasing a Caspio subscription, it turned out that we cannot create similar applications that we create with MS Excel, PowerBI or Dynamix CRM. Caspio report generators lack tools enabling more advanced and professional data visualization that we want to present in the application we have created.
At Caspio We cannot easily show the sales results in the table, dividing them into upward and downward trends, negative numbers, and positive values. For example, you cannot use the palette of available colors to make the report display top values in green, negative values in red, and so on.
There is no way of creating a comparative report where you want to compare this year's sales period with, for example, last year's by defining profit and loss in percent with the appropriate color of the cell with the data.
There are no basic tools to define what a graph or a report should look like, Of course, you can compensate a bit by creating color schemes for individual applications, but you cannot define the color in which the highest values, the lowest values, the values given in percentages, or negative values.
The matter becomes even more complicated if you need to create a mixed report and the graph itself is not a sufficient tool to visualize retail data, for example you have a lot of sales departments to compare in the same report ..
Such visualization tools have long been a common standard in other systems, Caspio still has very poor tools for creating more advanced economic or analytical reports. where you need to ensure not only the functionality, but also the readability of the application being created, especially since it is to be adapted to the possibility of mobile publishing.
more advanced and adapted to modern equations with other platforms. Defining the colors of the data depending on whether they are the highest values, the lowest, negative, or positive values is not a miracle solution, but a standard so that you can create more realistic applications that reflect the result given by the customer, and there is nothing strange in it. I am disappointed that Caspio does not have such basic tools and the range of available reports is very modest for such a platform.
Andy from Ekonomistyrning

Andrzej Trzcinski commented
and One more example of reports that I create in Excel that I currently cannot do with the Caspio platform
It is not possible to define i Caspio the colors of the displayed values depending on whether they are the highest values, the lowest negative or positive values.
Andrzej Trzcinski commented
Link to an example of a report I create in Excel