make the autocomplete and dropdown fully interchangeable fields
Imagine a dropdown list with 2500 items. Finding proper value is challenging. The Autocomplete field is the best fit for this use case, but it does not currently work when the field is a foreign key.
The dropdown list has "field for display" and "field for value". However, autocomplete lacks the "field for display" parameter. So, currently, on the initial load of the data page, it shows the "field for value" (the ID field, in my case, not the value that users should see).
It would be great to add "field for display" and make autocomplete and dropdown fully interchangeable.

Catarina Maçãs commented
We have dropdown fields with thousands of line and is very complicated to use. I have complaints everyday from my fellow users
Chris commented
100% agree this should be in the product. I could do a clumsy alternative by setting text fields as indexed unique values and then doing a series of cascading fields that populate the ID from the selected text, but this should be simple to develop since dropdowns already provide the functionality.
If you have a long list of options, dropdown isn't ideal for the user experience, so you're left having to choose between two poor options within your app.
Ashley Brew commented
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Chinmay Daflapurkar commented
Autocomplete feature can be very useful to be used in Caspio. Let,s say you are a college, who has to maintain a database of students taking Direct admission to Top colleges. They have to use in very different ways as name, age, nationality, etc. There would be very easy to work with this feature.
Juan commented
I used Caspio 11 years ago and returned now, and this limitation was back then and was (and still is) so obvious and basic that becomes clear that the product is no evolving at all and it won't do... it is what it is, take it or leave it seems to be the policy here... incredible, but it seems money keeps flowing anyway. Give again votes to this as I did back then... but if 11 years where not enough I'm not confident that anyone at the company is really considering improving this and many other soooo obvious things where Caspio performs poorly.
Kamil Baran commented
I researched, and there are four more suggestions about the same functionality of autocomplete fields (as far I understand others). I believe this is a highly needed and valuable feature.
Anonymous commented
I agree