Freeze first column in a TABLE (not a datapage table)
I'd like to be able to "freeze" the first column in a table, so that as I scroll across the table, I can always see the first column (which indicates the name of the record).
Sometimes we have a lot of editing to do, and it's easiest to do it in the table. And sometimes, we want to copy the same info into a field for several records. But since we can't see the "Names" of the records (that are in the first column) as we scroll across, we can't accurately past info into the fields. If we could freeze the first column, it would be tremendously easier.
I posted this idea a long time ago and it is marked as completed, but it has not been done; I think you misunderstood my suggestion. I am referring to TABLES, not datapages or search results, but tables that hold the raw data.