List Datatype Enhancement
Couple comments around list datatypes.
Firstly, it appears that you are not able to filter within tables by any data field that is set as a list datatype. It would be an asset to be able to filter data by these fields as most times they are fields that have certain granularities that can be used for reporting and exporting purposes.
Secondly, it also appears that you are not able to include list datatypes within certain aspects of the triggered actions. For example, when using the 'IF.....THEN' statement, the THEN clause of this statement doesn't appear to have the ability to select list datatypes.
Thirdly, it is great that you can select 'Multi-select dropdown' options in submission forms when you use the list datatypes. However, if are to use the ' look up table or view' function in the source heading, the option to select 'multi-select dropdown; in the submission form doesn't appear as the list datatype has to be specifically coming from the table itself.