Make it easier to reorder View fields
For Views with many fields from many tables, it is very helpful to arrange the fields in a logical order, especially when adding a new column which by default goes to the end. At the moment, one has to use up and down arrows for this, which is very clunky and time-consuming for large Views. Please could you consider replacing the current fields control with one that allows the selected item to be dragged to a new position in the list.

Anna Schild commented
Completely agree. I end up adding fields to my tables regularly. Each time, I have to add the new fields to the corresponding views, but then the fields are out of order.
For example, the first time I create a view, I select Include All Fields. Table 1 fields are at the top of the list; table 2 fields are at the bottom.
Then I add new fields to table 1 and when I add them to the view, they are below the table 2 fields. Instead, I want them to be in the same order in the View as they are in the Table 1 design interface.
Re-ordering them is not easy. A multi-select option or ideally a drag and drop option would be very helpful.