Add Telephone Number Authentication and/or Automatic Formatting
Similar to that done for email, but with separate validations for US and International numbers (and other formats as appropriate). Include choices of 7 or 10 digits and use of parenthesis or dashed for US numbers; similar choices as appropriate for International numbers. Even better, have the Datapage Wizard automatically create boxes for each part of the number (area code, base number, country code) when phone number field is created in a table. PART 2: the ability to concatenate a label with the phone number (as in Home: / Work: / Cell: )

Sarah Lee commented
This should be done!....Should have been done long ago!
Kristy1 commented
Could this not be accomplished similar to the calculation field on a report?? Instead of adding the data, concatenating the data. I am actively searching for a Caspio alternative on this feature inadequacy alone.
Richard Favro commented
Caspio Product Managers - If you check the community forum you will note that this feature has been requested numerous times. by myself rafavro (Sept 2010), by isabelleg (Nov 2011), by Kristy1 (April 2012) and Casayana (April 2012). Depending on how you count, this specific topic has been viewed over 5000 times! Clearly customers are interested in this subject and are using JS work arounds to fill a significant missing feature. I understand voting to help prioritize the roadmap, but don't ignore the long history documented in your forum.