Search form input feature needs more capabilities
The data search form has a feature that provides a capability to input data in top row, that matchs the output fields.
Currently only the auto number data field is uneditable and auto populates, the rest of the fields we either have to populate or make the blank.
Desired feature:
If from a search result there are 10 fields that are output, we may have 3 fields that are constantly the same and we want those to auto populate from a table with display field, we need that capability.
Example:we have a project and we use a search form:
We have a project number, project description, project goal which are constant.
The project task ID is auto numbered and displayed with current feature.
For each project we would have say a task activity, by user, start date, end date, completion date, issues.
When we use the Search Form with the ADD data in top of search result feature, we want to be able to keep the Project number, project description, project goal to remain constant, and copied and auto populated from the table.
We only want to add to all other fields for all othe project activity as new unique record.
Bottom line:
The data ADD feature in top of Search Form result page, needs to have the same properties/capability for ADD record as the App Form/Pages, that is to auto populate and DISPLAY, desired data fields from the table, for the fields that we want to remain constant.