Authentication improvement
When dealing with many customers using the same application, it is important to block or allow access depending on customers behaviors (e.g. a customer failing to pay his monthly fees may have his access suspended). To achieve this, I would like to use a company table (from Caspio aspect the source) that has a status field (yes/no) to state if the system can be used or not by a company. As part of the authentication, a check to a table (as said earlier, created by the application developer) that contains that value will be very use full if not critical. Failure to log in could then result from the company's account been disabled and a message could then be related (e.g. "your account has been suspended. Please contact your application provider for more information". This is a small improvement to the authentication process but a very valuable one. Definitively one I badly need for my current and future implementations.

David Alberg Peters commented
You can authenticate based on a view. You can then filter the view based on the status of a "yes/no" field.