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  1. Create a JSON datapage report type

    I'd like to see a datatable report that outputs a script tag with the recordset returned as a string named for the DP and the value being the recordset returned as a JSON object.

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  2. Make Folders withing other Folders

    I have so many DataPages and would like to be able to create Folders withing another Folders.

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  3. Lookup Dropdown

    When you use relationships, you can use a dropdown and select the value to show and the real value writing on the tables which is good but when working with a lot of data, we might need to see more than 2 display fields to match the option we are looking for. For example, if I have a Doctors list, chances are that I have the same doctor's name for more than 1 record, it'd be good if besides the doctor's name as displayed value, we could also have the address field. Like working in MS Access, you can choose…

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  4. Multiple Fields in Dropdown

    It would be very powerful if we could use Multiple Fields for in our Dropdown (Select) input fields.

    This is a pretty standard database feature, and is lacking in Caspio's Online platform.

    i.e. First and Last name, Name and Date, ToDoActivity, ToDoAssignedTo, and DueDate, etc.

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  5. Have the option to not have the delete confirmation box appear when a user tries to delete records.

    Skipping the Delete Confirmation box when a user tries to delete records. They should be able to delete a record without a confirmation. The pop up box isn't even mobile friendly and hides in the I-Frame! Very sloppy interface here!

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  6. Conditional Redirect Based on the existence or non-existence of a required parameter.

    "I'd like to request the ability to have a user redirected to a page (URL/Datapage/Etc) if a datapage that requires a parameter noticed that parameter has not been received for any reason.

    For example, our users upon login are directed to a page where they select from a dropwon project they are working on. The project that is selected passes a ProjectID parameter that is required in many other datapages in our system. This is so that the user does not have to repeatedly select the project on each datapage after. This parameter is currently stored in the browser

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  7. Provide an option on submitting a datapage form for both showing a message AND viewing the same form.

    We have a number of cases where adding data happens in serial, but users want some sort of feedback to indicate that the record they just submitted was actually saved. It would be nice to have an option that showed a text message/alert above the same form - so they'd know their record was saved and they are all set to enter another.

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  8. Application site map

    Automatically produced a flow diagram or site map of datapages that are embedded in other datapages and when datapages are linked on save or update

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  9. Be able to setup the frequency for datapage notification

    Once the datapage is updated, the user receives a notification.

    I would like to setup frequency, as the user can update several times a day the information registered. So receives 10 times the same notification per day.

    Not like a drip email feature but more to be able to setup several messages as notification depending on conditions, and also be able to stop sending messages after conditions are met

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  10. transparent color option for styles

    transparent color option for styles

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  11. Deployed DP with name in the script

    It could be great to insert the DP and APP names as comment with the deployed code.
    So we always know what script represents, instead of having to do it manually

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  12. duplicates

    Enable duplicates searches in datapages as is now possible directly from Views or Tables.
    At present the mod is there to look for duplicates by interrogating the tables manuals but it is not possible to have a Datpage for regular use to see the same results.

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  13. Date formats

    In Australia (where I live) the usual date format is dd/mm/yyyy. In the US it is usually mm/dd/yyyy.
    I appreciate there are localisation options, but when selecting date as a field type, there aren't.
    Can the default be the international - yyyy/mm/dd
    At least then that column will sort correctly and display in date order.

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  14. white lablling

    White labeling -I think it is a wise if the free account user have given the option to use white labeling with small fee that they can afford yet make the feel that they own the system, I see that other plan just offered the option with payment of about $20/month offered and it seems this payment can also affordable to those using the apps for free.

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  15. Rich Text Editor - Spell Check

    The Caspio Rich Text Editor released in November 2014 is very cool, except that it doesn't allow the native browser Spell Checker to check spelling.

    Please enable browser Spell Checking for Chrome and Safari.


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  16. DataPage Elements for Hide-Start and Hide-End

    Would be nice to have a default elements to choose from in Configure Fields that are "Hide-Start" and "Hide-End" where your program automatically puts in the correct table or div and display:none; style. Get confusing when looking at the list as to which HTML Block is the hide and end and which are for other uses. This should be an easy addition since it is just a single line of code and would keep me from using the wrong means of hiding on accident.

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  17. Downloading Images

    I have a datapage that uploads images and another that displays them. My customer loves it. They now wish to download images. It would be a great improvement for them if they could download images.

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  18. System timestamp should follow Rules

    When a field is set to receive a system parameter of timestamp
    a Rule is created to disable the timestamp field if it is not empty
    the "disabled" field should not get a new timestamp when the record is updated

    Currently, if a field is set to get a timestamp, there is no way to use a Rule to create a condition for this behavior: the field will always get timestamped.

    I want to let people update records and timestamp them, but if they update a record twice, I want to hold on to the original timestamp instead…

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  19. More than 4 sort fields

    Report pages allow for up to 4 sort fields. Please extend to more. At least 7, I think, but why not unlimited.

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  20. In LookupTables, enable Sort By a field other than Value or Display

    I am regularly running into this limitation. I have an item # (value) and an item name (display) in my Lookup Table. I also have an item category, which is what I'd like to use for the Sort By - but the options currently limit Sort By to either value or display.

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