Caspio Bridge
Welcome to Caspio Bridge Ideabox. We love to hear your improvement ideas.
396 results found
Ability to update or submit multiple records to different tables from a single form.
Data normalization is important for flexible databases. The ability to update or submit multiple records would allow more sophisticated normalization. We need, for example, to store several types of firms in separate tables and use addresses for individuals as well as firms. Without the ability to update or submit multiple tables to different tables from a single form, we will not be able to use Caspio for our project.
1 vote -
3 votes
Prohibit an End Date to be earlier than a Start Date or display error mesage
On our intake form, there are "Trip Start Date" and "Trip End Date" fields. It would be helpful to prohibit an End Date that is earlier than the Start Date (e.g., Start Date = 1/15/2019; End Date = 12/01/2018). Or an error message would be helpful. Currently this functionality requires custom JavaScript. Thanks!
4 votes -
Pass a file as parameter to a new data page
It would be nice if we could pass a file as parameter (http://url?file=filename.txt) to another data page and assign that value to a field in the data page to save it in another table.
1 vote -
include bulk edit records on different pages
Can we include the possibility of bulk editing records on different pages?
for big databases its not right that every time you select records on one page as soon as you click on the next button, all your previous selections are gone
0 votes -
Pivot Table / Chart
I'd like to have a combined chart + Pivot table DataPage.
1 vote -
Password Reset Page - Allow Yes/No Fields
Trying to workaround your restrictions to identify when customer activates registration. Trying to have person click on yes/no field that he/she has read Terms and accepts. but you don't allow yes/no fields in password reset datapage. Please open up your restrictions on these field types.
1 vote -
Password Reset Page - Allow bcc or cc
Would like to cc or bcc people when password reset link is sent out. Have a regulatory requirement to capture emails and the "from" emails aren't getting into our archiving system. A bcc should solve that problem.
1 vote -
Password Reset Data Page - Allow Hidden Fields
Fields currently are display only or text field. Would like a hidden field to accept timestamp or other information so can track when a user first requests to reset password and then secondly when click on link and actually resets password.
1 vote -
Add Spellcheck capabilities to Text Fields
Add Spellcheck and auto-correct capabilities to Text Fields.
7 votes -
When uploading a file, the "Save to folder" option permits a hard-coded value. It would be useful to pass a value to this, such as User ID, so that different users' files aren't co-mingled, but instead placed into their individual folders.
11 votes -
Add all buttons like in a normal microsoft document! and customisable buttons like in MS Access
Add all buttons like in a normal microsoft document! and customisable buttons like in MS Access....
The website where we publish our apps dont always have that great ability to add buttons and customize their look and feel. Have a look at MS Access and see the variety of ways one can customize menu buttons
1 vote -
Give ability to customise the attached PDF in outgoing email
Give ability to customise the attached PDF in outgoing email.
that would be great
8 votes -
Color code the whole row of data when customizing
Color code the whole row of data when customizing....Like Yes/No customisation, instead of only color coding the writing, allow the whole row to be colored in.
2 votes -
1.Include pictures in Autocomplete search abilities see picture 1 2.Include if needed against payment Complete Template for online s
1.Include pictures in Autocomplete search abilities see picture 1
2.Include if needed against payment Complete Template for online shopping ready to use
3.Include a sort of “Fall Out” menu like see picture 2
4.Give me ability to run “scheduled tasks” on demand from a data page where I use user level security to protect who can run it.
I need this when FE a task was not run for some reason( I get error mail) and I need to do it on demand to keep info on website updated ..1 vote -
1 vote
Drag and Drop field after configuration
After configuring the fields in the DataPage. The user can drag & drop the field whatever the position they desire. And also edit the name and ID of all the fields
4 votes -
Autosave functionality, while working on datapages
We really need an Autosave functionality while working on DataPages. I am tired of getting pulled away from working on a DataPage only to return to my work, having been logged out and my changes lost. I am glad you log us out against our will because I am always having problems with employees breaking into Caspio and completing our projects early. lol.
20 votes -
In Datapage Elements, suggested quicker method to configure
To reconfigure, it takes too long to scroll fields into position when reconfiguring, especially when using large tables and making multiple changes over time.
I suggest a sequential numbered listing of all fields in the Elements from top to bottom, starting with "1", there should be a button to "GO TO Before #" one can select once the field to be moved is highlighted.Also Element window is too narrow when one has long field names, such as when using Source from Views.
I suggest a drag arrow on right edge of the window to resize and widen. better use…3 votes -
17 votes
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