For Data Page Submission web form, there is a need to enforce Data Integrity with Sentence Case for the various fields. The fields should be
For Data Page Submission web form, there is a need to enforce Data Integrity with Sentence Case for the various fields. The fields should be
Ability to colour code data pages, tables, views for a quick reference.
Additional Sorting Options for Tabular Reports with Data Grouping Enabled
Password Reset Data Page - Allow Hidden Fields
add navigate to next/previous records to the update data page
Allow Mouse Selection of "Time" for Time and Date Data Types
Permissions utilization in Data Pages more effectively
Search for identical data in separate tables
Sequence generator needed for key data items. · completed
Increase the storage of the free plan data by 250 MB
Avoid submitting the data when using custom buttons in HTML Blocks
When importing data you can set a default value for a table field.
Should be able to have "download data" for PDF above header
Expand Popup Bubble data options for Maps Mashup
Allow for a way to tag/label records based on import file/data source.
Allow users to select multiple data page elements
Export data in DataPage to a normal xls file, not xml or csv with quotation marks.
"High Usage FileStor", the data stored to be secure. · declined
[SAML] I would like to have the ability to work with groups membership information presented as claim in IdP response