Create a new datapage for logon forms. A user needs to be able to enter their ID and password, then Caspio sends them to a URL based on data
Lookup Field · completed
Parameters in data source
On datapage, 'Configure the filtering criteria for each selected field', add option "In" to the Comparison Type dropdown.
re-enter password on a submit form
Reset password without email address
Mass download and mass delete files · completed
Email from should be dynamic
Search form input feature needs more capabilities
Identifying fields no longer in use
Freeze column and header in pivot table · completed
Pivot table pagination
Create a built in capability to manage email/text communication
Excel to web
Enable the ability to create datapages using the Logs feature.
Select the default value of a Y/N check box in a tabular report form
have a date filter for prior to x number of days, in other word, pull all records, with date of older than 60 days ago.
Make More Intuitive File Downloading
More Form and Report templates.