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6 results found

  1. Caspios emails are being delivered as unauthenticated emails to recipient host (gmail in particular).

    reconfigure your email servers (spf, dkim, A & MX Records) and associate the tcp/ip port (usually 25) with the domains ip address. You will also need to configure reverse dns to authenticate the email sender to the receiver host. It's not at all difficult to do.

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  2. Support Multi Factor Autentication on CASPIO BRIDGE (TOTP tokens,.... )

    In order to improve sucurity of caspio bridge accounts.

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    completed  ·  1 comment  ·  Authentication  ·  Admin →
  3. Time Out & Redirection - Please allow 8 hours of authentication ( a full work day ) before forcing new login

    Employees use (any system), but the authentication rules force them to login twice per day (unless you give them 12 or 24 hour access). It would seem to make sense to allow for a 8 hour authentication rule before forcing them to log back in, since most employees work an 8 hour day. - Unless there is some way to customize this that I am unaware of!

    Currently the rules are:
    15 minutes
    30 minutes
    1 hour
    2 hours
    6 hours
    12 hours
    1 day
    3 days
    1 week

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  4. Enable SAML authentication

    Provide the option to allow SAML authentication, this will make the user experience smoother.

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  5. Allow hooks into Windows Authentication or allow passing of Windows credentials

    Other cloud services (LMS) provide hooks into Windows Authentication tables so that users don't need a separate email/password for Caspio forms.

    Also, it would add additional security for Caspio non-authentication forms where network systems do not have dedicated IP addresses.

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  6. Authentication with Facebook, Open ID, etc.

    Interested to know how many votes this idea gets. It's basically about letting your app users authenticate with their Facebook password. Their ID must still be in your table but not their password.

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